1. Summary

This web page corresponds to the first assignment of the Developing Data Products course offered through Coursera by Johns Hopkins University.

The repository of the work can be found at the following link: Developing Data Products_Assignment 1

2. Description

In my opinion, as a family or with friends, the indicated places are the most suitable to spend a pleasant moment. All these places offer chicken, that's the reason for the image.

The page was built in RStudio using R Markdown and the Leaflet package to build an interactive map.


hwIcon <- makeIcon(
  iconUrl = "Figures/food-people.png",
  iconWidth = 25,
  iconHeight = 50

hwLocations <- data.frame(name = c("The Flame BBQ",
                                   "The Sports Grille Cranberry",
                                   "Kings Family",
                                   "El Campesino"),
                              lat = c(40.684667,
                              lng = c(-80.109943,

hwPopup <- c(
  "<a href = 'http://theflamebbq.com/' target = '_blank'>The Flame BBQ</a>",
  "<a href = 'https://www.thesportsgrillecranberry.com/' target = '_blank'>The Sports Grille Cranberry;/a>",
  "<a href = 'https://www.kingsfamily.com/' target = '_blank'>Kings Family</a>",
  "<a href = 'https://elcampesinopgh.com/' target = '_blank'>El Campesino</a>"

hwLocations %>%
  leaflet() %>%
  addTiles() %>%
  addMarkers(icon = hwIcon, popup = hwPopup)